Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cease and desist order issued against Choice Home Warranty

Washington State Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler today issued a cease and desist order against CHW Group, Inc., doing business as Choice Home Warranty and

The company is believed to have sold at least 92 home warranty service contracts to Washington residents. The contracts cover repair or replacement on major systems and appliances in the person's home, and promise that Choice Home Warrant will pay for repair or replacement of those that fail.

The problem: the company isn't authorized to transact insurance in Washington state. Nor is it registered here as a service contract provider.

Kreidler ordered the company to mail a copy of the order to all Washington home warranty service contract customers. The company must also report to the state how much it's collected in premiums from Washington consumers.

The company has the right to demand a hearing. The order takes effect today.

We'll post a link to the order shortly.

Updated: As promised, here's the link.

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