Monday, March 1, 2010

Insurance news: Nat.'l flood program closes, rate disclosure in Ore. and claim denied for cow invasion

Lots of interesting insurance news today:

The National Underwriter covers how many federal programs -- including the National Flood Insurance Program -- are in limbo thanks to a failure of the Senate to vote on extensions. Unemployment benefits and COBRA benefits also are stalled until the Senate takes action, hopefully later this week.

In Oregon's Statesman Review: Despite pressure from health insurance companies, Oregon insurance regulators have decided that beginning April 1, every part of health insurance rate filings will be open to the public.

According to, individuals aren't the only ones stinging from health insurance rate increases. Health insurance providers have shocked small businesses with increases that in certain cases surpass 75 percent.

And our favorite from today's news roundup: Watch out for the bovine exclusion. The Arkansa Democratic Gazette tells the story of a women who came home to not one, but two cows in her home. Sadly for her, her claim was denied. See full story and photos.

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